Located on the Western Australian coast at the mouth of the Swan River, Port Freemantle is an efficient port with geographic access to virtually all other global ports, including those in Africa, Asia, and Europe. Port Freemantle, Australia is the country’s busiest and largest port for general cargo on the western coast, mostly because it can handle a large volume of cargo and operated for 24 hours a day.
Port Freemantle, Australia is capable of importing and exporting virtually all cargo via container or roll-on/roll-off (RoRo) vessel including automobiles, construction equipment, and personal effects such as furniture. However, the most popular imports into Port Freemantle include vehicles, livestock, and containers of all sizes.
Some notable features for the port of Freemantle, Australia include:
- The port was founded in 1829 and saw the first ship enter in 1845.
- Although there was considerable development since its founding, the basic structure of the inner harbor of Port Freemantle has remained unchanged.
- Several recent developments of the port have included a deeper harbor and modernized facilities.
- During World War II, Port Freemantle had the largest submarine base in the southern hemisphere.
For more information about the port of Freemantle and international shipping services to Australia, visit our rate request page to receive an international car, high heavy, construction equipment and container shipping quote or to receive more information on our international shipping services.