International Shipping of cars and Personal Effects to Panama

Estás planeando regresar a vivir a tu país, Panamá? ¿Te has retirado o eres pensionado y tienes en mente mudarte a Panamá? ¿Quisieras llevar contigo tu automóvil, muebles  y bienes personales pero no sabes cómo?  ¿Has hablado con empresas de mudanza pero los precios son muy  altos? K International Transport tiene las respuestas a todas […]

International Shipping of High-End Automobiles to China

International automobile shipping services allow customers to transport their cars from the United States to virtually any country in the world. All types of vehicles are moved worldwide on a daily basis: vintage, contemporary, high-end, and economy cars are all candidates for international shipping. However, the type of automobile that is shipped sometimes varies by […]