If you are about to make a move overseas, there is a lot of paperwork to do. Not only are there important customs forms and declarations to fill out, but also other paperwork (such as a vehicle title) has to be secured. This can and should include insurance on the trip. Though many people balk at this step, it is very, very necessary. Why?
You aren’t always covered by the moving provider. Although it is true that some coverage is provided, usually on a per pound basis, this is usually very inadequate in representing the true value of the items. In some cases, such as a leased truck company, the per pound coverage can be as low as ten cents per pound! Not even valuation coverage functions as moving insurance when it comes to protecting your belongings.
Relying on the mover’s coverage comes with stipulations. For example, there are lots of terms and conditions listed in those contracts that aren’t necessarily for your protection, but rather for the company’s protection. Are “Acts of God,” such as storms, lightening strikes or floods, covered? Likely not.
Receiving genuine moving coverage provides an important paper trail. When you purchase moving insurance, you will receive an actual Certificate of Insurance from an insurance underwriter. If you choose to rely on the mover, you will likely be reduced to a bill of lading with appropriate marks (if the shipper has filled it out properly) as your proof.
If you were to purchase a home or new vehicle, you wouldn’t think twice about getting insurance coverage. People planning a move abroad or a shorter stay where shipping their belongings is involved must bring this same attitude toward providing insurance coverage. Though shipping companies are generally doing a great job, you just don’t know what can happen.