How Much does it cost to ship a Nissan Juke to Le Havre, France?

How Much does it cost to ship a Nissan Juke to Le Havre, France?

With the advent of Roll On / Roll Off vessels and the increasing efficiency of containerized shipping, buying a car like a Nissan Juke in the United States (perhaps from an auction website, like eBay) and shipping it back to your location in Le Havre, France. Le Havre is a commonly trafficked port so it is one of the more economical European destinations to ship your Nissan Juke to. K International Transport is an FMC licensed freight forwarder that can give you a price quote for shipping a Nissan Juke to Le Havre.

Courtesy of S 400 HYBRID
No longer restricted to being a box (the jukebox), the Juke is now a car! The Nissan Juke!
If Le Havre is not your ideal port, then let us know where you want your Nissan Juke to go, and K International Transport can help you to decide on the best port to ship your Nissan Juke to. It is also important to choose between Roll On / Roll Off shipping and shipping your Nissan Juke to France inside a container. Container shipping is generally more expensive, but it is the most secure option and more ports are available when shipping in a container.

Please do not hesitate to contact us at, or call us at (212) 267-6400. You can also head on over to our rate request page so we can give you a quote for the cost to ship a Nissan Juke from the United States to Le Havre, France.

Vive le Juke!