How to Ship Cars, Trucks, Motorcycles and Buses to Banjul, Gambia from America

How to Ship Cars, Trucks, Motorcycles and Buses to Banjul, Gambia from America

Are you looking to ship a Toyota Corolla or Mitsubishi car to Gambia from America?  Need help getting the best international car shipping quote to Gambia?  Although Gambia is the smallest nation in Africa, there is plenty of inexpensive overseas car shipping service to the port of Banjul.   Gambia is one of the top destinations in West Africa for USA exports of used cars, trucks, vans and motorcycle.   
Banjul is the capital of Gambia and is also the location for the country’s main shipping port.  Ship a Car, Truck, Van, Motorcycles and any type of Transport Equipment from the United States to Banjul, Gambia for a bargain price!
Direct roll-on / roll-off international car shipping service is available from the east coast of the United States to the port of Banjul in Gambia.  Container shipping service is also available from most major ports in America to Banjul, Gambia.  Among the international shipping services  to Banjul, Gambia we offer are:

  • We can ship a Toyota Corolla, Hyundai Tucson, Mitsubishi or any other type of car from the ports of New York, Baltimore, Savannah and Jacksonville to Banjul, Gambia. 
  • Overseas car transport to Banjul, Gambia is available 2-3 times a month from the east coast of the United States
  • Roll-On / Roll-Off overseas car shipping to Banjul, Gambia from the United States takes approximately 30-35 days.
  • We can also ship several cars in one container from all major ports in America.  Ship from the ports of Houston, New York, Savannah and Miami to Banjul, Gambia
  • If you are looking to ship cars in a container to Gambia, our container shipping service takes 25-40 days

With affordable and fast service to the port Banjul, Gambia, trust no other international car shipping company to ship your car, motorcycle, truck or bus to Gambia!  When it comes to shipping cars to West Africa, we are one of the best and least expensive international car shipping companies!

For more information on how to ship your car, truck, bus, motorcycle or other vehicle to Banjul, Gambia contact us today at 212-267-6400 or on Skype at kinternationalny.  We can provide you with car shipping quotes to Banjul, Gambia within minutes!  For the best car shipping prices to Banjul, Gambia, contact K International Transport today!  Not only do we offer some of the best ro/ro car shipping rates to Gambia, but we can also quote to all other countries in West Africa.

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