A big percentage of cargo shipping to Europe, specifically the United Kingdom, is vintage automobiles from the United States.
Although shipping vintage automobiles sounds like a stressful task because of their value and sensitivity to the elements, with the right international shipping company, the process is a walk in the park!
Ship your vintage car to Southampton, UK, or any other European port, with K International’s overseas car transport services today!
If anything can convince you to ship with K International, it’s our experience with transporting vintage automobiles!
Recently we shipped a 1989 Jaguar Convertible to Port Antwerp, Belgium from the United States east coast. With the help of our international automobile shipping services, the car arrived in Port Antwerp safely, quickly, and efficiently.

For more information, call us today at 212-267-6400, email us at sales@kinternational.com, or Skype us at kinternationalny. For an international shipping rate, visit our rate request page for a shipping quote.