Efficient and affordable international shipping services can help clients transport cargo to Trinidad and Tobago without breaking the bank. With the services of a reliable and experienced international shipping company like K International, transporting automobiles/ cars/ vehicles, construction equipment, or personal and commercial effects to Port Spain, Trinidad and Tobago can be hassle-free for clients.
K International loves to transport cargo via roll-on/roll-off (RoRo) shipping or container shipping.
K International’s international shipping services can help clients transport virtually all cargo to Trinidad and Tobago today!
- K International Transport can ship cargo from any port in the United States, including New York, Maryland, Virginia, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Texas, California, and more!
- If the cargo is located outside of a port city, K International Transport offers inland trucking and transportation services to transport the cargo to a port before it is shipped overseas!
- International shipping services for almost all cargo to any country in Asia, South America, Africa, and Europe.
- Roll-on/roll-off services for wheeled cargo.
- Rigging and Dismantling services. We’ll even load the equipment with our construction equipment shipping services!
for more information, call us at 212-267-6400, email us at inquiries@kinternational.com, or Skype us at kinternationalny.