If you have finished with your time in the United States and want to return to your country or go to another for retirement K International can help you move your householdgoods and vehicles overseas. K International Transport can place a shipping container at your location so you can load your personal belongings into it for ocean transportation. If you are shipping a vehicle as well, there are a few different ways it can be accomplished. Most commonly the vehicle is loaded, blocked and braced into the container by a licensed warehouse first, and then you may fill the rest of the container with your personal effects. You may also put items inside a vehicle that is shipped by container (if you ship your vehicle Roll On / Roll Off service, only items pertaining to the car may be inside it when delivered to the port for loading.
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Recently we helped ship a 40′ container full of a person’s possessions from their home in the Northeastern United States to Brazil . The two options for trucking are live load or drop and pick. A live load is when the trucker who brought the container to your location waits until loading is completed and then returns the container to the pier. This option is only economical when loading can be completed in a relatively short amount of time since most truckers only give 2 free hours for loading and then charge anywhere from $50 to $100 an hour after that. Our customer moving to Brazil decided on the second option, drop and pick, since they knew it would take quite a while to load all of their possessions into a 40’ container. Drop and pick usually costs around twice as much as live-load, since the trucker will have to make two separate round-trips to your location, but if you need a lot of time to load the container, it is still cheaper.
Using a trusted international shipping company like K International Transport to arrange the shipment of your household goods and furniture overseas will pay off in peace of mind. Please do not hesitate to contact us by email at inquiries@kinternational.com, phone at (212) 267-6400, or skype us at kinternationalny.