Big Data Could Help Your Next Shipping Move
Big Data is all anyone can talk about in the tech world, and indeed it’s creating a quiet kind of revolution in the way we do just about everything. The way it works is through microtechnology. Imagine the typical iPhone with a health app that measures your steps, for example. Now, what if that data […]
International Construction Equipment Shipping to Djibouti!
Shipping construction equipment to Djibouti can be a stressful experience. However, with a reliable international shipping company like K International, shipping Caterpillar products overseas is easy and hassle-free! With K International’s construction equipment shipping services, you can ship: Cranes Bulldozers Dump Trucks Tractor Trailors and more! Karakusa A reliable international shipping company like K International can offer many services for […]
Congress Passes on Highway Transportation Issues
Late last month, Congress granted a three-month extension to the Highway Trust Fund just one day before funding was set to expire. This new extension is just on the heels of a previous five month extension. Unfortunately, this is only prolonging the pain the transportation system is experiencing right now, causing others who need to […]